Summer Services 2021

Dear church family,

You will be aware from recent emails and Sunday notices that we are holding a short 9.30am family-friendly service from Sunday 27th June to 15th August inclusive. We still need volunteers to help set up, tidy up and steward – please sign up to help, especially if you are not a Sunday School volunteer (see why below).

This post is to give some more details and context.

Why are we doing this?

  • Our Sunday School volunteers have been working incredibly hard over the past 16 months to facilitate online engagement with children and young people, and to honour them we need to give them a good break over the summer.
  • However, we are not yet at a stage of being able to have everyone back in the sanctuary, nor to facilitate an indoor service which would engage well with families.
  • So, the Kirk Session have agreed that we should (for this year) have an earlier separate service that is open to all and particularly aimed to be family-friendly.

What will the service be like?

  • It will last around 25-30 minutes.
  • It will include a short all age talk.
  • We’ll have small activity packs for young children to utilise.
  • It will happen whatever the weather, but no gazebos will be available for people to sit under so bring an umbrella and wrap up well if necessary.
  • Households will have to sit together for the whole time and be 2 metres apart from other households.
  • Ideally, please bring your own blanket or camp chair, but we will provide anyone with a chair who needs it.
  • Singing without a mask is allowed. Sheets with hymn words will be provided.
  • Music will be recorded tracks that we’ve made for the online services over the last year.
  • Everyone will have to book in advance (separately from the 11am service), and do so by Thursday of each week.

You can begin booking from today, so please email to do so.

If you have questions, or are able to help, please be in contact.

Yours in Christ,


Rev. Scott Burton

Minister of Brightons Parish Church