Preached on: Tuesday 2nd February 2021
The sermon text is given below or can be download by clicking on the “PDF” button above. There is no Powerpoint pdf accompanying this sermon.
Bible references: Act 15
Location: Brightons Parish Church
Good evening everybody and welcome to our Tuesday night input here on our Youtube Channel for Brightons Parish Church kind of dubbed it The Inner Room. Wasn't really sure what else to call it to be honest, because tonight is a little bit different from what we've done on other occasions, and it's a bit like, I guess, a mini message, but at the same time I hope it to be have a little bit of a kind of bible teaching element
and as well, as just a little bit more of sharing, I guess, what's going on inside me about what maybe the Lord has been saying to me, or what I think He's saying
and so, I kind of just want to share a little bit from the heart. I in that way I just want this to be kind of a safe space and a place where it's just that “inner room”. It's the kind of an inner sanctuary, the safe place where I’ve been able to be real and honest, in one way or another with you, So, The Inner Room.
If it ever happens again it might get a new name, but I had to come up with something so that's what I came up with.
Welcome, anyway, to this time together and it's really great to have you. Please do say HI! if you're there on the live chat, and have the means to do so, and if you're listening back to this on a recording or on a telephone, thanks as well for putting in the time to tune in and have a listen or watch to this particular video.
So, tonight, as I say, is meant to be a little bit of a heart-to-heart, a little bit of sharing from the Scriptures.
I guess, what has led to this has been a journey for me over the last well six to eight weeks. I guess it started before Christmas and I think was prompted a little bit by being aware that towards the end of January I'd be coming up to the end of my second year, going into third, and there are developments on the go with the Braes Hub and there are lots of changes coming for us as a Congregation, as an area, Even things being planned or put on hold because of Covid, and lots of different things, kind of on the go, and so, I guess, it got me in a bit of a reflective mood, thinking “I wonder what is next Lord?”, because what's been really encouraging for me is to be able to look back over the last two years and see some of what we've changed, what we've done differently, some the impacts that we've had in different places.
If you want in the live chat and feel free to put up things that you see or you're aware of, for what you would give thanks to God for.
The things that come to mind for me are seeing people come to faith - I’ve been so encouraged by that one guy who got in touch recently saying he came to faith during one of the sermons in January - someone came to faith during the Alpha Course - we saw other people come to faith along the way in previous year's Alpha Course and different things like that.
I am so encouraged when people say “I have chosen to follow Jesus” and that's great to see, because not every Church is seeing that. It's a great encouragement.
I’m encouraged also that and we've made some changes in some of our identity and things.
So, we've said part of what our Purpose is to “invite, encourage and enable all ages to follow Jesus Christ” It's really clear, it's really bold, and it's really deliberate, and it's really biblical, So, I’m super excited about where that might take us on a journey together,
and as part of that we've also said well here are four Values that go with this, that kind of put some flesh on the bones, and that kind of say well this is part of our DNA. We know what our Purpose is but what's also part of our DNA, what's some of the essence of Brightons and where we're going within that broad purpose, and so we have our four Values and it's been great fun just to tune into to that, to talk it through with the Teams and the different Teams we have in our Kirk Sessions and Deacons Court, as well as to hear people's hopes and dreams for 2021.
We've also started the Pastoral Groupings, and that's a big change for us moving from the Pastoral District to the Pastoral Groupings, There's many more besides.
A Scripture Union group starting up at Wallacestone and the input in classes picking up again and since Murdo's time, I know that he did that,
and there have been lots of things like Belong starting in the last two years - and Yes, okay, we've not been able to continue that and lockdown, like many things, but it got started. It gave us a flavor of things.
I was so encouraged just before we went into lockdown that we had our first Sunday morning where we had Prayer Ministry in the morning Service. I thought that was a huge step for us and it felt like we were in a good place as a Church family, because I didn't feel like people were thinking or feeling “Not sure about this, Scott!” because I remember two years ago and I was asking you to respond to the Word and I did some things that were a wee bit out-there, even for me to be honest! A few of you, or probably a lot of you, were like “I’m not sure about this!” but a year on you allowed me to lead you into Prayer Ministry, and about six or seven people came forward that morning to be prayed for in the morning Service, about some really personal things and that's just amazing! Amazing!
There's much more besides and you can feel free, as I say, to put some things up in the live chat that's encouraged you.
So, I’ve kind of been reflecting a little bit on the last two years and thinking about some of what's been achieved, but there was a growing sense within me that there's something else around the corner, and Yes we've done all these things, Yes we've seen Huddle start, an initiative through the discipleship team and you'll hear more about that in the coming weeks so, listen out for Huddle, but my sense was there was something more, that and there's more around the corner for us as a Congregation and part of what I want to share tonight is around that.
This is unscripted, other than some bullet points and notes, so we'll see what comes but before we get into that before we turn to God's Word let's pray okay, let us pray.
My God and Heavenly Father, we do give You thanks for all that we've seen of You in the last two years that, even in the midst of lockdown and a pandemic, Lord, you've been at work in us and through us, and before this time, Lord, before this season, You were at work in ways that were great and so worthy of praise. And so, we want to lift our voice up and glorify You and give You the thanks and the honour.
But Lord, we're on a journey, we're on a journey together. That's part of one of our Values of being Family - community journeying together towards wholeness – Lord, we're never complete this side of heaven, so there's always more, there's always a next step, there's also always something around the corner.
So, as I share, Lord, from Your Word and what you've been, I think, saying to me, Lord, give us ears to hear You, let me help us to hear You. As John said, John the Baptist, “May the speaker decrease and Jesus of Nazareth increase”, for we do say and pray all this for His glory and in His name, Amen.
So, if you will turn with me in your Bible, whether hardback or electronic, to Acts chapter 15, Acts chapter 15.
Prior to this point the Church has been going through phenomenal growth. Peter's had that vision where how this has led him to Cornelius’s house the church has grown Peter's miraculous escape from prison Barnabas and Paul have been sent off on a missionary journey and they've seen God do incredible things, and the Church has grown in different places and then they come back and to him to Antioch and they've spent quite a bit of time there and so, chapter 15 verse 1 we read this:
Certain people came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers: “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.” This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about this question. The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they told how the Gentiles had been converted. This news made all the believers very glad. When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders, to whom they reported everything God had done through them.
And then we're going to jump on to verse 24:
Prior to this in the in between time they've done a report and there's been lots of debate and conversation and then James gets up and he says in response to this that and he thinks they should do certain things and say certain things to the believers in Antioch, and other areas, who have come from a Gentile background and so they decide to write a letter and what we're about to read is part of that letter, verse 24:
“We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. So we all agreed to choose some men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul - men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore we are sending Judas and Silas to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing. It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements:”
and then detail some things and say Farewell, well and send these gentlemen off back down to Antioch with the letter and it brings great encouragement to the people if you read on into verses 13 and 31 so, Amen and thanks be to God for this reading from His Word.
I came across this passage as I was reading a book about discerning the will of God together. It's by a lady called Ruth Haley Barton and I'd encourage you to have a look at it. It's a phenomenal read in quite a revolutionary way really of doing discernment as a congregation. A lot to share. Not something you could implement straight away. I think it would take some time, months if not years, to get to that place as a community where you could put it fully into practice, but it gave me quite a bit of food for a thought.
And she points out in her book that in this passage, that circumstances arise which God utilizes for the furtherance of His mission, for the spread of the Gospel, for the building up of His Church, and it arises in the midst of a very difficult situation, even conflict, and yet it's used, and it's in the midst of that, and trying to decide how to respond, and what's next, what's the right way.
We were thinking about, in Jim's preaching on Sunday, what is the way of Jesus? They were trying to think, what is the way of Jesus for these Gentile believers? and so they discuss and, I presume they pray as well, because in their letter and I think it's also there in the earlier passage which we skipped over we get this these words “it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us”, I just think that's incredible what they say. They have real sense that the Holy Spirit was teaching them, leading them, in that way and in the way of Jesus and guiding them in that moment.
I and Ruth Haley Barton says that we come across many situations in life, in Church life, where something arises, and we discuss, and we pray, and we wrestle about it, and, in the midst of that, God does something that we might discern the mind of Christ together, and move forward in His way and into His purposes for us,
and my sense is that we are coming into a season of trying to discern some of that, or at least I am, but I think it will involve many of us, or that should involve many of us. I’m not quite sure what that will look like or be like but I’m excited about it!
I was listening to a podcast and went out walking Hector, I think maybe during my Christmas break, and it's a leadership podcast - really helpful – but, actually, this particular episode, was from early on in the pandemic maybe the Summer time, I’m not exactly sure, maybe June/July time, but in that podcast the speakers talk about how even at that stage the pandemic was what they called an accelerator and a revealer, an accelerator and a revealer, and what they were meaning by that was the onset of the pandemic has accelerated certain things, for example it's accelerated the use of Zoom and virtual communication, and has accelerated issues within the NHS or within us as a nation, and even as a world, it has accelerated within the Church, it has changes too.
That we went online and I can remember having conversations with our IT guys, I said Well we eventually get to that in four or five years time! and not knowing what was around the corner, and I’m sure you can think of other things that have been accelerated - if you want put it up in the live chat.
It's also been a revealer. It has revealed where we've maybe put our trust and, for the Church, has it really been in God? or has it only been in the good times. It has maybe revealed the insecurity of life or the fragility of life. Has maybe revealed just how insecure certain structures are within our nation and across our nations.
So much has been accelerated and revealed and, again if there are things revealed that could pop up for you then please do again share it in the live chat.
And what Barton was saying, what these folks were saying in the podcast, and I think tied-up together in Acts chapter 15 here, that things are revealed for the Church here. Revealed that there's a kind of change needed and it's really interesting that in Acts chapter 10 the Disciples already knew that things were permitted and certain practices were to go, and when Paul & Peter got that revelation from God by the Holy Spirit and went to Cornelius's house, and the Gentiles came into the faith, and things have been revealed but I’m not sure exactly how much change.
Yes, Paul and Barnabas went out but they hadn't pinned down, they hadn't made some decisions yet, and that lack of communication, the lack of decision, the lack of kind of concreteness, ushered in some of these issues, and so, it kind of accelerated change, accelerated the need for a decision.
I think it also revealed that need to make a decision. It also revealed what were to be the Church's priorities for Gentile believers. They hadn't pinned that down before, they hadn't pinned down What are we going to pass on from our Jewish roots to these new believers, and they were still wrestling with those things. They hadn't figured it all out and so, there were things revealed. There are things accelerated in that story, and, as I say, this time of pandemic has accelerated and revealed things for us.
But, I wonder what's next because?
Hopefully, at some point this year in the not too distant future, we will be able to return to worship in person,
I wonder whether we will seek to simply just return to what was and, remember that sermon where I quoted the Moderator the Church of Scotland, and he said we all yearn to get back to normal and he kind of questioned Why do we yearn to get back to normal, when normal was Church membership going off a cliff in churches without children. And then I don't think it was that sermon but I think it was a Tuesday Evening Sermon in December, if you didn't see it maybe go back and have a look, where I talked about the Brightons situation that, Okay, Yeah, we've seen people come to faith and we do have a number of contacts with children and families, but if you look at our demographics we are declining. Even within Brightons our membership is going down compared to what it was. Our demographic is getting older and if you look five, ten years down the road, unless things change dramatically, we're gonna have some really tough times, and we're going to have to think about what are we going to stop doing, because we just can't sustain what we are doing just now. And so, maybe again, that's part of why I was thinking What's next Lord? You've taken us this far, we've reached this stage together what's next?
and I don't have an answer to tha.t I don't know what you expect of my leadership as the Minister.
I’m certainly not what you've maybe had before, clearly. You're certainly not what you maybe hoped or expected for.
I’m not someone that's going to steady the ship. I’m probably going to rock the boat more often than not, because that's what I think is needed in the Church just now nationally, never mind just here in Brightons. But I hope, within that rocking, I can also be a catalyst.
I talked with the Nominating Committee, I think, about wanting to be a catalyst, that, rather than being the answer-man, I would be a catalyst, kind of question-man.
and again I was influenced by a book I read called Canoeing the Mountains, and the Elders have read a good chunk of that along with our Deacons, and we've not finished it yet, we might come back to that at some stage, who knows, but it's been almost a year since we last dipped into that together, but that book again influenced that kind of way of thinking and I find great freedom in that, that I don't have to have the answers myself, that this can be a team effort, a family effort, a community effort, that we all you all have a place to play in us, and I can act as a catalyst alongside the Kirk Session and the Team Conveners and the different groups that we have in the ministries we have within the congregation. So, you're not going to get from me a grand vision – Oh, this is the vision for the next year or the next five years, you're not gonna get that from me. Sure, you'll get some principles and foundations which is probably in part what has led to our Purpose and Values but I didn't come up with all that on myself, again it was a team effort, and it was taken to the Kirk Session and unanimously voted on by the Kirk Session, that these should be our Purpose and Values.
So, I want to be a leader that enables and champions ideas, rather than the one has to come up with all the ideas.
Nevertheless, I do think as part of that catalyst part of my job is listening out to the Lord so that both in the preaching and in other ways of leadership and influence, I can be part of kind of steering us forward. Because in crisis, not just in the pandemic, but let's be honest folks, as a Church, as the Church in Scotland, not just the Church of Scotland but the Church in Scotland, we're in crisis largely, falling numbers, as I say in bits and pieces and again in this podcast I was listening to, he said it is tempting to hold on to what makes you feel secure and what is familiar, in times of crisis, rather than pivot or innovate.
So, in crisis, it's tempting to hold on to what makes you feel secure and what is familiar rather than pivot or innovate, and I know places that have Churches that have really struggled in this time and Yes, we all have, but in some ways, they've struggled more because their ministers their members have not been able to innovate and or pivot in these times,
and the sense of isolation is much greater than what we have, and I think folks are so hungry, much more than we might be, hopefully, because we've been able to do certain things and provide certain things. We haven't got it perfect clearly, there's always things we can do better,
But I think this is in my thinking because this crisis makes us want to turn in and feel safe, and I wonder what happens later on in the year when we get back and Yes there'll need to be a time of coming together, of being family, of reconnecting and of celebrating that, and valuing that, but the danger would be that we then get comfortable again and don't look at what we need to be looking at, and even in this time now, to be looking out and I’m thinking “Well where next God? Where next?
and in all of this, just last week actually, I believe it was only last week, and I was sitting in this chair, I just read the bit, I think it was Mark, final chapter of Mark wasn't it last Monday and I knew it was my Spiritual Director the next day and I thought he's going to ask me if I’ve been spending some time in prayer and listening to the Lord, which is an exercise that I do every so often, and sometimes I'll maybe get a picture or maybe get a phrase that'll come to mind, and it'll really help with my leadership. Actually, of late, it's been really helpful for leadership. He can speak in other ways but I find, most often, nice speaking, into me about leadership,
and so, like the last two years there've been different things for my three or four months block so, I had my Bible reading, jotted down my thought or my prayer for the day, as I encouraged you in the Mini Message. I thought Right, I’m gonna spend some time preparing to see God says anything and he did! Surprise, surprise!
and I normally get a picture but this time it was more a phrase, and the phrase was “It's time to tack” and I knew it was about sailing and tacking and I didn't really know why this had come to mind.
At first I thought God was correcting me and that's a bit of my own insecurity that I think as a young leader I’m till guessing half the time. I’m probably, like most ministers even with 30 years experience, probably still feel that they're guessing, but I definitely feel that I’m guessing half the time, and that's experimentation, and it's life of faith and all that,
but Yeah, it kind of feels like I’m guessing half the time and with guesses can come wrong things, and Imake mistakes, and I have made mistakes in the last two years, and so I thought I’ve done something wrong, He's correcting me. It's time to tack. It's time to change direction. It's like What have I done wrong? What needs to change? but I decided to do some a searching on Youtube, actually, we're all on Youtube aren't we to some degree or another? and you get some nonsense on there, but I went looking for tacking, because I didn't really know anything about tacking at all.
But I watched a couple of short videos about tacking and about the physics of sailing and some really startling and interesting things came up!
So, tacking is when the boat changes direction so as to be able to keep moving forward in a particular rough direction. So, if you're wanting to go that way, you're kind of tacking different angles to keep going in the rough direction but you're cutting across and the rough path, so that you're doing a kind of zig-zag to eventually get there,
but what's interesting with tacking is, you're sailing into the wind which I didn't know you could do, like sailing into the wind just sounds mental, How is that even possible? but apparently it is, it's apparently possible because the boat has a keel and forces and vectors, apparently, apply and the result of that is that you go forward!
A couple of things that jumped out to me that people said:
you can actually go forward faster than the speed of the wind when you tack. So, you're going into the wind but because you're going at a particular angle and all the forces and physics that are involved, you can actually go faster than the wind. I find that crazy! And you can go faster than the wind being blowing behind you. Which I just thought was really startling!
What other things kind of jumped out at me and just the general idea that it's into the wind, faster than the wind, and it's still going in a rough direction. You're keeping your course but you're changing slightly so as to catch more of the wind, and because you've maybe run out of distance, you're getting near the shore, or you just need to change direction slightly, so it's not actually about having done something wrong, it's about keeping your course, but catching the wind so that you can do that, and you can maintain kind of maximum speed almost, and so, when thinking about this, talking about a few others, the sense of that it's about aligning, it's about God directing and guiding rather than correcting came to the fore, because he wasn't seen to change direction completely.
So I think we've got our Purpose and Values. We know our overall direction but it's time to tack, and that will feel difficult because, when you tack then, notes tell me, you go through what's called the no-go zone.
Basically when you're turning into the wind and that's when the sail starts flapping because the wind’s on both sides of it, is not properly catching the sail, and the rigging is swaying a little bit, and you kind of lose a little bit of momentum, but then you keep going round and eventually you get past 45 degrees and you start picking up the wind again, and you go forward, and it sails and the rigging pulls taut, and you go forward in your direction with your crew, and you pick up speed to hopefully travel faster than the wind.
And, this next season, my sense is that there's a season of perhaps three months maybe more where we need to do that tacking, and it might feel a bit awkward and the sails might flutter a bit, and we're not really sure what's happening, and we don't really feel comfortable.
It was interesting reading a blog about the analogy of tacking with ministry and I’m often encouraged, the encouragement was that's a time to be still and be in God's presence, and you know what I’ve been talking about with my Spiritual Director, the need for retreat, the need for solitude, and silence, with God, and to grow in that discipline, and just how many things can come together at the one time - I was just blown away!
and so, I feel like God was just saying, It's time to tack! and it's funny, I had been talking to the Kirk Session back in December and thinking Well, I’m not quite sure when next I'll share with them directly so I'll give them their New Year's message before Christmas, and the message was there'll be more change on the horizon and who was to know that God would give this Word at this time to tack, that in my reading I would come across Acts 15, that in my time off I would listen to a podcast talking about this time being an accelerator and a revealer, and in times of crisis we want to buckle down and feel safe, but actually we need to pivot, we need to tack, we need to innovate, and just all that's coming together,
and I want you to know where I’m at as your minister, as your leader, and some of you will find that really hard because you want a pastoral leader, you want to be made to feel safe, and there are times when I can do that and do do that, there are times when I bring a measure of encouragement, or try to at least, but we also need to pivot. We need to tack, we need to innovate. We're not out of this as a Church, Yeah, we're not out of our time of crisis even when the pandemic goes away, we still are faced with the situation that our membership numbers are going off a cliff. We're barely seeing anyone come to faith, numbers of children are dropping, it's going to be even harder. Younger people and children have been away from Church and Church groups for so long - Will they come back? - who knows. Will the adults that we've been reaching out to come back? Who knows.
So, it's not time, I don't think, to buckle down and feel safe. It's time to tack, and we do that together.
As I say I’m not going to be your answer-man. I’m not going to come up with a grand plan. We need to do this together.
What does that look like? Here's a couple of ideas:
I was chatting with some folks recently kind of about the bits and pieces of this and one part of the conversation led to send to someone You know if you've got ideas and you want to contribute to the life of the Church, then get involved in some of the Teams and in the Church, and I think that's an avenue If you want to help shape the life of the Church, if there's something that's bugging you, or if you see that there's an opportunity, then get involved in the Teams of the Church and those teams.
There are teams on the Kirk Session: Pastoral Care, Discipleship, Community Outreach and Up-and- Coming which looks after the under-25s. Information about all those Teams is on our website on the Get Involved page. So, go and have a look there.
There are also Teams within Deacons Court: Communications, Property, Finance and a few other minor pieces, but those are the kind of major teams. Maybe you could lend some of your support there, to help us move forward.
So, or it might not be one of those bigger Teams. It might be a team that reports to one of those teams for example the Sunday School Leaders Team
or it might be within, as I was saying recently, your Pastoral Grouping. Remember I talked about this recently in a sermon. Getting involved there, speaking to your Elder and saying How could I play a part in this Pastoral Grouping? Are there some people that I could phone or I could visit? And are there ways that we could be together?
My Pastoral Grouping and one of the people said
Well in a previous existence in time we had this thing where we would do like a kind of trip around people's houses and share one course together and then you'd move on to someone else's house for the next course
Clearly we can't do that just now but let's have a Zoom call, and an hour of fun, and we'll do a quiz, and maybe do some games, and bits and pieces, and there was quite a few a party cracker jokes, Christmas cracker jokes. It was a great hour! Someone else's idea, largely organized by other people, and I just facilitated it, and it was such an encouragement to be together, and I have a sense within my pastor of grouping that we're becoming a bit like a kind of mini family within this wider family of the Brightons family. I’m really enjoying seeing just how that's kind of growing.
Maybe you could lend your time and your love and your gifts there, if it's not part of one of the wider teams.
Another idea for you is that hopefully you've watched the video from the start of the year, I think it was the second week in January, where we shared some hopes for 2021 from different people, and maybe there's some stuff that's resonated there, for you. I’ve certainly taken notes of things to pursue potentially, pursue the year ahead, but you might, you may have a hope for 2021. We couldn’t ask everybody. So, get in touch, send a message to our Facebook page or drop us an email, and say Hey, I was listening to this message and Scott invited us to share one hope around one of the values maybe, and this is what I hope for in 2021,
and clearly if it's the same as what's been repeated in that video, there might be no need to email, but if there was something different, or else you wanted to add to someone's idea, again, drop us an email saying this is one of my hopes for 2021 for the Brightons Church family, and again we take that on board,
and I’m not saying that we'll pursue all these ideas but it's starting to do that discernment together of What does it mean to tack? Where is God calling us to tack in these coming months that we might be ready to catch the wind as we come out of restrictions, and hopefully come back together.
Yes, we'll come back, and we'll celebrate, and we'll love seeing each other. I really miss you, I miss you all. I miss that Sunday morning –
one of my favorite points on the Sunday morning was around about half past 10 to 10 to 11, I go around and I talk to people and that people had come early so, if you never got that opportunity you clearly know that you didn't arrive in time, and for that I’m sure you're right on time for the service just not in time for me going about, and I really loved that time, it was just a really special time. I’ve missed that. I’ve missed that. Live Chat doesn't equal it, not everybody's on there that I would normally talk to at that point. I’ve missed that and I’m looking forward to that starting back as I say.
As many people are saying if we don't allow God by Sis spirit to work amongst us so that it reveals and accelerates and that, so that we pivot, so that we tack, then we are just gonna run aground or we're gonna just get comfortable and kind of bunker down or we're gonna get kind of stuck in that no-go zone and the sails just gonna flutter and we're gonna lose momentum,
and we really can't afford to because, we have a community, we have a Parish that needs to know Jesus, needs to know that He's real and living and active, needs to know the love and grace of God, and we're called into that ,we're called to invite others to share, we're called to encourage one another in the way of Jesus, we're called to enable all ages, the youngest to the oldest, to follow Jesus, and to know what that means, and to know and play their part.
So, I look forward to the next year, to the next two years and more, and I wonder what's on the horizon for us next, as we tack,
and there'll be more tacks along the way, but we're entering into that season of tacking. Now and I pray that we would have the boldness, and the courage, and the sensitivity that the early Church showed in Acts 15 as well, and then from that see the Church of Jesus flourish in this place, and the Kingdom come like we've never known.
May it be so let us pray
My God and Heavenly Father, we thank You that You promised to never leave us nor forsake us, to journey with us by the Spirit. Jesus You promised that Your sheep will hear Your voice and that the Spirit will lead us into truth and into life, that He will reveal You and Your way.
Help us Lord, to be sensitive to the Spirit and to hear what You're saying to us as a community, to us individually, by Your Word, and in the place of prayer.
Lord, where things have been of me, just pull them away, let them not linger in our hearts and minds, and cause unrest, or lead us in the wrong direction. But where things have been of You Lord, take it deep, keep it safe and bring forth a harvest that would be to Your glory.
Lord, we seek Your way and Your will. Help us to be bold where we need to be bold.
We ask this in and through the name of Jesus, Amen
Friends, thanks for being with us tonight. I realize it's a bit of a longer message or session than normal, that's the danger when I don't have notes or detailed notes, and I just kind of keep going a bit, but I’m excited and passionate about what's coming. So, hopefully, forgive me in the midst of all that.
It's been really good to share in this time together. Look forward to our next time and in one way or another, and next week we'll have Testimony Tuesday, so join us then, as folk share about their faith journey, and various different ways and forms. We've got our Thursday Prayer back on Zoom this Thursday as well as well as on our Youtube Channel and then I’m back in preaching this Sunday morning, as we continue in Philippians.
So, as we go from here, the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you, my dear brothers and sisters, this night and forevermore. Amen